Kamera yang di-support juga dah lumayan banyak, lengkapnya bisa dilihat di, dah termasuk Nikon D40, D40x dan infonya sih, kalo RAW nya menggunakan format DNG, otomatis bisa di-support.
GUInya juga lumayan friendly, ini contohnya:
Nice kan? Tadinya sempet bingung gimana caranya mengexport ke jpeg, ternyata gampang si, tinggal kita klik OK setelah editing, trus otomatis, akan kebuka di GIMP, nah baru deh kita save as.
Sekilas tentang UFRAW, quoted dari websitenya:
gimp importer for raw camera images
This is a graphical tool to import raw data from high-end digital cameras into the Gimp.
The Unidentified Flying Raw (UFRaw) is a utility for converting and manipulating raw images from digital cameras. It can be used as a stand-alone tool or as a Gimp plug-in, and images can be batch processed using the command-line interface. UFRaw reads most existing raw formats using Dave Coffin's raw conversion utility DCRaw, and it supports basic color management using Little CMS, allowing the user to apply color profiles.
2 komentar:
Nonton Indonesia Open gak bos?.
Gak :D kamera ku lagi dipinjem temen hehehe
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