Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2008

System Fraud on Friendster??

Just a few weeks ago, one of my buddy told me story about how one of her friend's account got hacked.
Frankly speaking, sepertinya itu kebocoran password sajah ... but it did happen to me.
I can guarantee that nobody knows my password. I dont share, I dont write, that's why I lost passwords often (I guess this is the downside of being too secure :D).

Masa tiba - tiba gw berubah jadi laki - laki :D dan tanggal lahir gw berubah jadi 23 Februari 1987. Trus ada foto ngga dikenal lagi disitu ... weks !!!

Run a search on google gave me nothing. Trus kenapa bisa tiba2 profil gw berubah sendiri ya :-?

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