As a tradition, there is always like farewell party but in a much lighter version, meaning it's a lunch and not that pricey thingy.
As someone who's not really caring, I'm quite surprised to have this present. You could check out the letter. It's probably too tiny to see, so I'm gonna rewrite it and have it commented.
1. Ari : Garfield ... Good luck for you there ... I am gonna miss you my stubborn and clever little sister ... "
Hmm you know what, I'm quite a lil bit relieved staying away from you knowing that you always outsmart me :p and I'm grateful I never once my line of work I've gotta stand against you :p but ... You always able to find out what's gonna happen next, I'd say you'll be good advisor for president ;)
2. Melvi : Hi Man ... Wish you all the best jangan lupa kalau ada lowongan gw daftar ... =))
Kayaknya wish you all the best itu punyaku deh, yah ga jadi trademark lagi deh. However, all the best to you too .. Keep in touch, we have an unfinished business ;)
3. Betma : Yuvi ... Sukses dunia akhirat yah jangan lupa shalat ... Haha, emak mode on. Salam Persahabatan. Ratih Betma, ini nama elo yang marketingin nih yup.
Hehehe yang bikin lo kan, gw cuma mempopulerkan, tapi emang populer ya nama itu? Thanks mba bet, so far that's the wisest from everyone :d surely gw ga akan lupa shalat, tapi bukan karena elo yang ingetin sih, karena biar ngga dosa aja :p
4. Soni : Yuvi ... Semoga sukses di tempat yg baru, semoga bukan sekedar sukses di kerjaan tapi sukses juga ya buat cari pendamping ...
Thanks Mas Soni, ehmm ini yang pertama ttg pendamping, kita liat berapa banyak sampe terakhir :p. Lo juga ya, sukses sama Pak H yang di lantai 2 :d
5. Tyas : Yup .. Yup, akhirnya lulus juga dr UI (Univ IM2) ditunggu traktiran kedua, ke3 dan seterusnya
Yas, lo payah deh, maunya nunggu traktiran mulu :p, kalo mau kedua ketiga, berarti lo kudu sekantor terus dong sama gw, duh bencana :p
6. Dessy the duck : Yup .. Yup .. Ah elo mah yup ... Selama masih penguin berbentuk garfield I know u'll be fine .. He .. He .. He bye now .. Cu later
Ah elo mba des, as long as u keep having someone to hitch ride, I know u'll be fine :p and find someone else to go tasting all those food you're craving with no complain :p
7. Desy : yupi ... Congratz ya, finally lulus wish u all the best n get merried cup cup muahhh ...
Oke ini yang kedua, thanks des. Gw rasa nanti disana ga ada yang seabsurd elo deh
8. Rurie : hay bro ! Gud luck ya ... Gw akan segera menyusulmu ( eh trus ada yang nulis2 menyusul ke ... Itu siapa ya, kayaknya si kerjaan mba tiwi)
Iya rur thanks, in any kind of way, you are broer than me. And jangan keburu nyusul, kasian mba ari ntar jadi kurus lagi dia :d
9. Tiwi : hey u garf (ini sapaan khas mba tiwi), come by sometime ... I'll get u nice cotton ball :d good luck
Hahahaha so if someday there is snow puring down and forming a gigantic snowball in front of my door, I know someone to blame :p and u know what mba, this cotton ball thing always got to me every time :p
10. Acd : hay there, ah, you might be will missing us (me) too much .. Hahaha ... Jump higher & be happy .. Yay .. Yay
Is this hay word a new coolie? Or is it just you guys ... Anyway will be surely missing you because now if I got problem with dress or the likes, I don't have anyone to turn to :p or if i need to know what does this food taste like or if I need to hear those random conversation in the morning
11.Lili : dear yuvi, selamat yeee ... Akhirnya lulus juga dari Ixx semoga sukses kalo dah sukses ajak ajak
:d thanks mba lili, sukses juga buat lo. Lo cocok deh tuh disitu, jadi ibunya anak2 yang bandel2 itu :p
12. Rezha : kak yuvi, sukses selalu "yuvi style"
Ini maksudnya apa zha? Iya deh thanks ya :d
Wow, jempol gw kapalan ngetik segini banyak :d but happy at the same time knowing you guys are actually my friends :)
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