Senin, 04 Agustus 2008

Using Fedora on a PS3 Box?

Just read a wiki article, that mentions we can actually use Linux OS on the PS3 box. Yes, PS2 will do too, but it requires quite an effort to do so.

Sony claimed that it would have Fedora 8 natively installed in their PS3 box, but somehow the Fedora wasnt there when PS3 came out.

Peter Seebach shows us on how to use Fedora 8 on the PS3 box, quite common actions, there's just problem with the memory since Fedora 8 will automatically use Gnome and it will consume a lot of memory which will make the PS3 swap memory even before we got a prompt.

Using top and runlevel, we can actually remove the memory-mafia and got the Fed runnning, but without graphic of course since the first thing to be removed was Gnome.

If we need graphic, we can use X, but only running the client on the PS3, while the server run on the remote computer and the PS3 can actually access the remote computer.

One BIG question I got from reading this is, WHY WOULD THEY USE FEDORA IN PS3 BOX? Well, if it's for development purpose, why PS3? Is there something that PS3 has and others dont?

Below are several link we could relate to:

2. More than a toy

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